8.-15.10.2007 Hello friends, I am back in Nagpur after one week without internet and only sometimes electricity. Bamhani Base Center was a great experience. We could accompany the 2 nurses that run the matma hospital in the center to very remote small villages and learn a lot about their daily work, which is awareness building, caring for ill or pregnant, helping in all medical questions and organizing diagnostic camps. On friday and saturday we went to around 3
0 villages to announce a diagnostic camp on sunday. 3 doctors came from Nagpur and examined patients for free. The announcements were great fun, using a very old megaphone. While driving to and into the villages, our driver sunil played latest bollywood hits as loud as possible. I also tried an announcement in Marathi but I doubt that anyone could understand. Most of the villagers are incredibly poor, they cultivate their land like in europe some 150 years ago. Most houses are built of clay and cow shit, often the whole family lives in one room with some cows and dogs. I loved all the colurs they use, walls are mostly green or turkis with a lot of kitsch. While visiting the villages we were stared at from some distance but every time we visited a hut, villagers were very hospatible and offered us chai tea and water. We also went to the 2 Subcenters of Ecumenical Sangam. Each has an own Kindergarten and Sewing Classes for the locals. Due to the ongoing soja harvest, a lot of children and girls did not attend school or sewing class but had to work on the fields instead. This is only one problem, Sangam has to deal with. But apart from the village visits, we had a great time with the staff that was very curious and tried to communicate with us in english a lot (although the communications were most of the time about food. „indian food VERRYYY hot“ our answer had to be: yes, VERY hot!“ „no hot in germany?“ "no, no, in germany no hot food." then they were extremely satisfied. They also took us to a nearby market and the ladies helped me to buy a sari. But before I can wear it i also nead a blouse and a pettycoat, so one nurse lata borrowed me one of hers until mine is completed. She and another employee Surieka collected all their juwelery and also did my make up, after this session i looked like a bollywood coactor in a pink/orange/red/gold combination. Very funny!
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