Samstag, 17. November 2007

18.11.2007 Bollywood Experience

Just came back from our first Bollywood experience. And I have to admit I had several goose flesh. 100% kitsch, a beautiful actress and nice dance moves! The cinema was huge, completely booked out and therefore very crowded. 8 oversized fans provided a gentle chilly breeze (foreshadowing, I brought a huge dupatta to wrap myself in). The racket started with the national anthem. Everybody stood up. While singing, the Indian flag was shown on the movie screen. After an astonishing punctual start, scenes with most popular actors (e.g. Khan) were accompanied with enthusiastic shouts, screams, applause.
After one hour there was a short brake. Now I have to criticize one indian custom:
Why didnt they adopt the straight accurate queueing from the English? My attempt to buy popcorn was quite unsuccesful until Meenaksi pushed me to the front of the bulk of greedy jostling Indians, stepping on my feet. I definitively have to get used to it, otherwise it will probably cost me a lot of nerves in the following months in India.
Because the Rainbow guesthouse is booked out next days (our work was too good I assume;) we have to clear our rooms and therefore decided to go to Hyderabad instead of going to Bamhani. Our train leaves tomorrow at 4pm (hopefully it is delayed, otherwise we will reach Hyderabad around 5 or 6 am in the morning) we will be back on the 24th november, with some nice jewelery from the famous arabian bazar...

Kein Indienaufenthalt ohne Bollywood Kino! Heute wollen wir uns mit Meenakshi (Kollegin aus dem Buero) den neuesten Bollywood Kracher Om Shanti Om auf Hindi anschauen - vorausgesetzt wir bekommen noch Karten. Natuerlich mit Shah Rukh Khan in der Hauptrolle – die alte Rampensau! Das Spektakel wird voraussichtlich 3 Stunden dauern.... Es ist unglaublich, wie extrem die Bollywood Filme hier promotet werden. Wenn ich abends fernsehe kommt der Werbespot mind. 4-5 mal, scheinbar auf allen Kanaelen. Ich kann den Titeksong sogar schon mitsingen. Hilfe!

6 Kommentare:

Freya hat gesagt…

Hey Anna, irgendwie hinterlässt hier ja niemand einen Kommentar und da dachte ich mir, lass ich mal einen da.;) Bin irgendwo mal auf Deine Blogadresse gestoßen und lese seitdem still hier mit. Schönen Blog hast Du! Viel Spaß und eine schöne Zeit noch. Freya*

Eva hat gesagt…

HI not worry..they do not queuing in vietnam as is struggle every time we go shopping:)I am exagerrating of course.Good luck to you! blog is in Czech but you could have look at least on pictures

Eva..your former room mate

Anna hat gesagt…

hallo freya, schoen von dir zu hoeren! und freut mich, dass dir der blog gefaellt... bis bald lg anna

@ eva
hello ex room mate! thanks for sending your blogaddress! i am looking forward to our renew... enjoy your time, bye anna

Anonym hat gesagt…

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